While Colcom Holdings Ltd continues as a publicly quoted company, in 2004 it became majority owned by Innscor Africa.
Innscor itself is publicly quoted and is one of Zimbabwe’s largest organisations with diversified interests in Zimbabwe and other African countries.
The principal activities of the Innscor Group include the provision of food services, the production and selling of biological assets and the manufacture and selling of household commodities.
Colcom established Associated Meat Packers (AMP) in 2003, principally to process and market its diversification into beef and also to handle other meat products. AMP subsequently became a joint venture with Colcom.
AMP’s beef cutting and processing factory is situated at the Colcom complex in Harare. During early 2015 the factory’s space and facilities were considerably expanded and enhanced respectively to handle a significantly increasing throughput.
AMP caters for a wide variety of customers as well as its own retail butchery outlets and Colcom shops, offering a range of deboned and cut beef as well as carcass wholesaling.
Colcom entered into an associate venture in Zimbabwe with the Freddy Hirsch group.
The venture manufactures and supplies natural and synthetic sausage casings, ingredients supporting the meat industry, and butchery equipment.
It also provides training for persons in the meat business.
The initiation of Triple C Pigs in 1988 was a major move forward and investment in line with international trends at the time, when Colcom vertically integrated its operations in a large world-class state-of-the-art pig production unit.
The first of its kind in Zimbabwe, Triple C Pigs started as a joint venture with CC Sales but became wholly owned by Colcom in 2004.
The pigs supplied to Colcom by Triple C Pigs have consistently achieved some of the best results in the world in quality output and feed conversion. Among the many keys to this is a breeding herd at the unit of 2 200 sows and an artificial insemination stud using imported boars of top quality genetics.
It is a multi-site operation for farrowing, weaning and finishing, with numerous pig houses at each site, and with stringent health and hygiene procedures incorporating high bio-security for Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) status.
Specialised nutrition and sophisticated management systems are backed by computerised technology.
Triple C Pigs has its own on-site Mill and Mix facility producing 300 metric tonnes of stockfeeds per week in 13 different rations.
Constant contact is maintained with international developments in modern pig production and Triple C Pigs has also expanded its facilities in three other areas towards meeting Colcom’s requirements